Zane Burge
Zane Burge
Zane started in our Customer Service department in January 2009. Since then, she has been promoted to Operations Manager; She was born in Charlotte, NC. Before she came to BI, Zane was an office manager at a carpet and flooring store. Zane used to work for DJ and Alicia long ago in a galaxy far far away and was looking for a change. Luckily, they had an opening. (Upgrade!)
Zane’s favorite bisque piece is the Big Ol Tub. The Big Ol Tub is perfect for holding drinks on a hot summer day by the pool…but you didn’t hear it from her. Her favorite thing about working for BI is our unique and entertaining customers. (That’s you!) Here’s a tip for when you visit our office: you can always count on Zane to have some chocolate if you need a sweet fix!
Zane enjoys reading, college football, and college basketball. She is a proud supporter of both Carolina basketball and UT football and can talk sports with the best of ‘em. The best day of her life was the day she officially beat cancer. Zane’s top wishes would be for her children to grow up happy and healthy, and a cure for Alzheimer’s.